Silhouette 820 Open-Fit Hearing Device, single unit
Silhouette 820 Open-Fit Hearing Device, single unit

A wearable digital sound process ear hearing equipment in gray color earpiece fits either ear excellent for group conversations and picking up sounds in the distance with little background noise, and more... Each unit comes with 2x pre-formed clear slim tube [one for choosing to wear the device on the Left ear and the other for choosing to wear the device on the Right ear], 3x inter-exchangeable ear domes, 8x Zinc Air 312 battery, one English instructions booklet and a plastic storage case.
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Price: $305.00
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Silhouette 820 Open-Fit Hearing Device, two units
Silhouette 820 Open-Fit Hearing Device, two units

The wearable digital sound process ear hearing equipment in set of two units each comes with gray color earpiece fits either ear excellent for group conversations and picking up sounds in the distance with little background noise, and more... Each unit comes with 2x pre-formed clear slim tube [one for choosing to wear the device on the Left ear and the other for choosing to wear the device on the Right ear], 3x inter-exchangeable ear domes, 8x Zinc Air 312 battery, one English instructions booklet and a plastic storage case.
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Price: $513.50
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Silhouette Plus Digital Personal Sound Amplification Device
Silhouette Plus Digital Personal Sound Amplification Device

The Silhouette Plus Digital Personal Sound Amplification Device in set of two units, each of the devices is a tiniest full digital ear sound amplifier on Earth, the miniature earpiece design makes the Silhouette Plus Digital Personal Sound Amplification Device looking stealthy, light in weight offers superb behind-the-ear comfort, no one will notice you are wearing one. It certainly is an affordable open-fit behind-the-ear digital personal sound amplification device for the individuals who wanted to hear more and better. Why trade off on the low efficient analog ear sound amplifiers! See it for yourself...
Click here for more details...

Price: $295.00
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Silhouette Plus Digital Personal Sound Amplification Device Set of Two Units
Silhouette Plus Digital Personal Sound Amplification Device Set of Two Units

The Silhouette Plus Digital Personal Sound Amplification Device in set of two units, each of the devices is a tiniest full digital ear sound amplifier on Earth, the miniature earpiece design makes the Silhouette Plus Digital Personal Sound Amplification Device looking stealthy, light in weight offers superb behind-the-ear comfort, no one will notice you are wearing one. It certainly is an affordable open-fit behind-the-ear digital personal sound amplification device for the individuals who wanted to hear more and better. Why trade off on the low efficient analog ear sound amplifiers! See it for yourself...
Click here for more details...

Price: $501.50
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StarLite 21LEDs flashlight, set of one unit
StarLite 21LEDs flashlight, set of one unit

is able to generate cold bright white light of 6000k, in 100,000 hours of lamp life, long enough before it is to replace, unlike those regular flashlights of other made, the LEDs bulb of the StarLite21 LED flashlight consumes lesser battery designed for hours of continuous use; very light in weight with rugged casing - virtually shockproof and indestructible, compact for carrying around anywhere.Click here for more details...

Price: $29.95
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TellyHUB wireless headphone
TellyHUB wireless headphone

is an excitingly new wireless audio headset allows watching television, listening to the radio and music playback without disturbing surrounding people. The TellyHUB wireless headphone lets you wirelessly regulate the sound volume of the TV program you tuned into on any regular or HD television sets, or modulate your music playback on any regular/HD/Blu-Ray DVD/CD players and multimedia devices. Click here for more details...

Price: $29.95
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