HD Vision Wrap-Around UV shield spectacles
The HD Vision Wrap-Around is an amber-vision UV shield spectacles designed to reduce reflected glare from your surroundings while keeping a crystal clear vision, great for those who spend longer hours outdoor for skiing, biking, golfing and jogging, or lay back relax a bit under the sun on the beach, in your yard or patio. The HD Vision Wrap-Around UV shield spectacles is excellent for driving, it can reduce glare reflected from the hood of your car or the long flat highway, the "side-window" in the frames, provides excellent peripheral vision for drivers. The HD Vision Wrap-Around UV shield spectacles can also be worn indoors by the light-sensitive people for reducing glare caused from bright light through the windows.
This lightweight HD Vision Wrap-Around UV shield spectacles fits over prescription eyeglasses, wrap around your glasses to reduce discomfort glare from bright light. It is helpful to avoid undue eyestrain and provides you maximum vision clarity under the sun.
Key Features:
• Glare free vision
• The vision clarity you have never experienced
• 100% UV cut off
• No more eyestrain
• Notice a world of difference
• Lightweight & durable

Product Name: HD Vision Wrap-Around UV shield spectacles
SKU: 8307170101
Unit price: $29.95
For one single pair
Plus shipping & handling